Documents for managing the whole process for staging a production at Incognito Theatre. Click on the link below to download the appropriate document.
Director’s Proposal Form for 2025 - 2026 - This form is used by directors to submit a play for consideration for performing at Incognito Theatre. It is intended to help each potential director present the same criteria for each play and demonstrate the degree to which they have thought about the issues of each production.
Audition Form - Form to be completed by each person attending an audition at Incognito Theatre.
Audition Policy and Protocol Document - Details of the policy and protocol for how all auditions at Incognito Theatre should be conducted.
Production Passport - The Production Passport defines the entire production process from beginning to end. The document or passport travels with the production and passes between those individuals with overall responsibility for each part of the process. The Passport starts with the Play Selection Group, which is responsible for the selection, fitness and programming of productions. It is then handed over to the Show Director for the rehearsal and preparation phases. Finally, after the second dress rehearsal, the passport is handed over to the Stage Manager.
Risk Assessment Form - This risk assessment form must be completed for each production and event.
PRS documents for the reporting and obtaining of music performing rights.
PRS Incidental Music Recording Form - PRS form for recording the music played as incidental music so royalties can be calculated.
PRS Interpolated Music Form - PRS spreadsheet for getting consent for using interpolated music in a performance.
Theatrical presentations Tariff ‘T’ - A handy reference document that explains the scope of the PRS tariffs as they apply to theatrical presentations.
Other useful theatre related links.
Concord Theatricals - Concord Theatricals Ltd is the UK home of R&H Theatricals, Samuel French Ltd and Tams-Witmark. Play leasing agents, play publishers, theatre booksellers. This is where you will be able to buy the scripts for most of the plays we perform.